The LWVGC board is in search of non-board members to serve on the Nominating, Budget and/or Investment committees.
Contact to express interest or learn more about any of these committees.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee serves the vital role of identifying and recruiting members from across all of LWVGC’s chapters to serve in board positions that will be vacant by the time of the next Annual Meeting (May). This committee is most active in late winter – Spring. Rare instances may arise when the committee may be called upon by the board in the middle of the fiscal year if an elected board member becomes unable to serve the remainder of their term.
Budget and Investment Committees
The Budget Committee reviews the current fiscal year’s budget for the LWVGC’s operating budget and education fund and develops recommended budgets for both accounts which are reviewed by the board and approved at the next Annual Meeting.
The Investment Committee reviews existing investments held by the LWVGC and provides recommendations to the board as it relates to maintaining investments, allocations, and recommended investment opportunities.
While a sense for numbers and, for the latter committee, investment is valuable, no specific previous experience is necessary to serve on either committee. Historically, both committees have met once a year. In the future, either committee may be called upon by the board if there is a pressing issue that before the board that would benefit from or requires input from either committee.